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WordPress Get Current Admin Page URL

Published by on March 6, 2024

Do you want to know how: WordPress Get Current Admin Page URL

During WordPress development, it is possible to dynamically retrieve the URL of the current admin page. At times, we are required to generate dynamic links and add scripts to enhance the functionality of themes or plugins.

In this article, we’ll explain different  WordPress methods to get the current admin page URL 

Why We Need: WordPress To Get Current Admin Page URL

In plugin and theme development, it is a common requirement to retrieve the current admin page URL for several reasons.

Developers can create more dynamic and customized solutions by finding the current admin page URL.

Dynamic links, which are frequently required by developers in the WordPress admin area, can be created by using the current admin page URL.

Developers can load scripts and styles only on specific pages by identifying the current admin page URL. This strategy enhances the functionality of the WordPress admin interface.

In plugins and themes, developers can implement conditional logic by retrieving the current admin page URL. By using this, functionalities can be enabled or disabled according to the user’s location within the admin interface.

Loading plugin functionalities with Third-Party APIs in admin areas can also be made easier with this.

Also we need admin URL to create navigational link in menu pages of WordPress admin pages.

WordPress Get Current Admin Page URL

Methods: WordPress Get Current Admin Page URL

In this tutorial, we will explain different methods to get current admin page URL in WordPress. 

$_SERVER To Get Admin URL

$_SERVER is a PHP global variable that is also called Superglobals. The information contained in it relates to the server and execution environments. Any class, function, or file can access these variables because they are pre-defined.

We can use $_SERVER with argument [‘REQUEST_URI’] to get the admin URL.


The $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] variable is responsible for storing information about the current request, which includes the URL. Extracting the necessary details from this variable enables us to construct the URL for the admin page.


//Output:  /wp-admin/admin.php?page=add-donation

Use of admin_url() And  $_SERVER To Get Full Admin URL


Assume that we are on the ‘Plugins’ page in the WordPress admin area. To obtain the current admin page URL, we can use the $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] method.

Method 1.

$current_admin_page_url = admin_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

echo $current_admin_page_url;

//output: https://example-webiste/wp-admin/wp-admin/admin.php?page=add-donation

Method 2.

$current_admin_page_url =  rtrim(admin_url(),'/'). $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

echo $current_admin_page_url;

//output: https://example-webiste/wp-admin/wp-admin/admin.php?page=add-donation

Here in the previous code, we get the URL of the add-member page which is a menu page in the admin area. 

Use of get_admin_url() And  $_SERVER To Get Full Admin URL

The get_admin_url() function in WordPress is a useful function to retrieve the current admin page URL.  Specific URLs can be displayed in the admin panel by passing parameters such as a specific path or query string to these functions.

$current_admin_page_url = get_admin_url(null, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

echo  $current_admin_page_url;

//Output: https://example-webiste/wp-admin/wp-admin/admin.php?page=add-donation

Use of $pagenow for Current Admin Page 

WordPress has another global variable $pagenow. It contains the filename of the admin page that is currently being accessed. 

Getting admin File URL Using $pagenow

The current admin page URL can be constructed by combining the $pagenow variable with admin_url().

global $pagenow;

$current_admin_page_url  = admin_url($pagenow);

 echo $current_admin_page_url;

//Output: https:/example-webiste/wp-admin/admin.php

In this code admin_url() give https://example-webiste/wp-admin/

And $pagenow give admin.php 

Checking Admin Using $pagenow

In the following example, we can use $pagenow for the condition if the current page admin page

Example of using $pagenow 

global $pagenow;

 if ( $pagenow == 'admin.php' ) { 

<script type="text/javascript"> 

// JavaScript code



Using Script on a Specific Admin Page

By using the $pagenow global variable we can create a condition so that a script can be used on a specific admin page.

function enqueue_admin_script() {

   global $pagenow;

   // Check if we are on the "Add Member Admin Page"

   if ($pagenow === 'admin.php' && isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] === 'add-member') {

       wp_enqueue_script('admin-script', plugin_dir_path() . '/js/admin-script.js', array(), '2.0', true);



add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_admin_script');

Here, we use the $pagenow global variable to check if it is admin.php, and we use $_GET[‘page’] to check if it is a specific page, in our case, the add-member menu page in admin.php. Here If statement is used to check the condition.

Using the get_current_screen() Function.

Information about the current admin screen can be obtained through the get_current_screen() function. To retrieve the base URL of the current admin page, you can use this function.

$current_screen = get_current_screen();

$current_admin_page_url = admin_url($current_screen->base);

//Output: https://example-website/wp-admin/member_page_add-member

This function in the plugin allows you to locate the admin page menu and other items.


Obtaining the current admin page URL in WordPress is necessary for various development tasks. Three methods, admin_url(), get_admin_url(), and $pagenow, were explained in this article. Our explanation includes the use of $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] and its integration with two methods to obtain the full URL.

We hope this tutorial will help you create dynamic links, and custom functionality, and implement conditional actions on the current admin page.

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gurjit singh

Gurjit Singh is a Content Writer and Web developer. He has experience in theme development, front-end development, and digital market. He loves to share his knowledge to help others in creating Websites, WordPress blogs, and SEO.