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How to Install WordPress: 2 Easiest Methods For WordPress Installation

Published by on October 7, 2023

WordPress is a well-known CMS. This article explains how to Install WordPress step by step.

It is a great platform to create a website without much technical knowledge.

WordPress is used to create and manage various types of websites, such as blogs, e-commerce, online stores, news portals, forums, and more. 

Why Choose WordPress

WordPress dominates over 43% of the market.

The reason why WordPress is a preferred platform is because it is user-friendly, open source, free, and trustworthy.

It is very flexible, you can customize its’ look and capabilities according to our needs using thousands of pre-built themes and plugins. We can also utilize free themes and plugins. 

WordPress has a large community online. You can also customize it by using your own code. There are many tutorials and other materials about WordPress available online. 

WordPress can be installed by almost every hosting company with the click of a button without any technical knowledge. You can also use Wizard to Install WordPress.

To enhance the capabilities of WordPress service, it is possible to install plugins.

How to Install WordPress

You can install WordPress easily by following some steps.

First log in the your website hosting cPanel.

how to install WordPress

After logging you will see WordPress Dashboard.

Find the Scripts Section, toward the bottom of cPanel.

Now click the WordPress icon shown in the picture below

how to install WordPress

This will open a new window.

Now Click Install Now.

how to install WordPress

In the next the window you can fill in your website information.

Enter your domain name and select the Latest version.

Enter your Site Name and Site Description as shown in the picture below.

installing WordPress step by step

In the next window fill in your email address and click Install to install WordPress

installing WordPress step by step

After clicking Install, It may take a few seconds or a few minutes to Install WordPress. You can now customize your WordPress website to meet your needs.

Customize The WordPress Website by Installing a New Theme

The style and design of a WordPress website or blog are defined by code files and media files that make up a WordPress theme. The WordPress default theme is minimalist.
It’s simple to alter the design of your blog by changing the theme. Choose the theme from the WordPress dashboard, install it, and activate it. The WordPress theme library contains thousands of themes. There are both free and paid themes available.

It’s simple to change the theme at any time. Your website’s appearance will be modified, but the data will remain unchanged. The design of your blog will be altered by a different theme, but the content of your post will stay the same.
The design determines how posts are fitted automatically.

It’s easy to change themes, let’s learn how.
To make changes or create a post, you must log in to the WordPress dashboard.

To access the WordPress Dashboard, enter the URL in the browser bar. Replace your with your domain name.

You will see this login screen. Enter Username and Password

installing WordPress step by step

After successful login, you will see the WordPress Dashboard

Step 1. You can see the Appearance menu in the left sidebar. click Appearance.
Step 2. Window will change, click Add New at the top of the dashboard.

WordPress installation steps

There are many themes to choose from. The task of choosing a theme is challenging because all themes are beautiful. You will be trapped in Squirrel Syndrome.

The Feature Filter button can be used to overcome this situation.

WordPress installation steps

Three vertical columns are visible in the next picture. In the subject column, you can choose any option according to your website type. Available options are Blog, E-Commerce, Education, Entertainment, Food and drink, Holiday, News, Photography, and Portfolio.

In the feature, you can choose according to your preference, for example, a custom head, Accessibility Ready, Block Editor Patterns, Block Editor Styles, Custom Background, Custom Colors, Custom Header, Custom Logo, and many more.

The layout column allows you to choose Grid Layout, One Column, Two Columns, Three Columns, Four Columns, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, Wide Blocks as the blog layout.

The themes displayed by these filters are based on the features that were selected. This is a valuable tool for narrowing down your theme options list.

WordPress installation steps

Upon selecting your options, click Apply Filters.

There are several themes that are suitable for your needs.

A quick preview of the theme’s design and look can be obtained by clicking on the theme thumbnail. The demonstration will show how your blog will look after using this theme.

how to install WordPress

If the theme catches your attention, you can click on the Install button on the top left side of the preview window inside the red box. After the WordPress installation is completed, the Install button will turn into an activate button.

Click the Activate button in the red box in the picture below to activate the theme.

how to install WordPress

In case the theme doesn’t work for you, you can repeat the process to select a different one.

Blog Theme Customization

After selecting and activating the theme, we must customize it to meet the needs of our blog and make it unique for our domain.
While there are many customization options, we will only discuss the ones that are necessary for a blog. It is mandatory to set up the blog title and logo. Other customization can be made at a later time.

To get started with the customization process, go to Appearance in the left sidebar and click the ‘Customize’ button on your current theme.

WordPress installs and customization

The customization screen is shown in the picture below.

WordPress install and customization

The sidebar menu options may differ depending on the theme. The main option that needs to be changed is the ‘Site Identity’.

Select the ‘Site Identity’ option from the left sidebar.

The blog title, tagline, and logo can be added on the next screen.

how to install WordPress

The picture below shows you how to fill in the information.
Click on ‘Select Logo’ to upload the blog logo. A media library will appear after clicking, where you can upload the logo for your blog or website.

The Logo Size field allows you to adjust the size of the logo.

The next step is to decide on the site title. Enter your blog’s title or name.

After that, fill in the tagline for your blog or business.

Click on Select site icon at the end to upload the icon for your blog or website. This icon is displayed in the browser tab when someone opens your blog or website.

To preserve all changes, you must click the Publish button at the end; otherwise, all the changes you made will lost.

how to install WordPress

Although there may be some differences in appearance, the options will almost be the same. This look is just a guide on how to start a blog and add information, so don’t stick with it.


Starting a blog, e-commerce online store, business website, or anything else can be made easier by installing WordPress.
WordPress offers a wide range of customization options to meet your needs. It gives you more control and flexibility over the features and appearance of a website.

This article has taught you not only how to install WordPress but also how to customize it and the WordPress theme.
We hope this article helps you create your website with WordPress.

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Gurjit Singh is a Content Writer and Web developer. He has experience in theme development, front-end development, and digital market. He loves to share his knowledge to help others in creating Websites, WordPress blogs, and SEO.