How to get Category name by Post ID in WordPress
It is possible to get the category name by post ID, in WordPress,.
There are multiple reasons for retrieving category names based on post ID. It can be used to manage and display content with flexibility and customization.
How to Get Category Name by Post ID in WordPress
The get_the_category() function in WordPress allows you to retrieve an array of category objects associated with a post and extract the category name of the post from it.
The get_the_category() function in WordPress allows you to retrieve an array of category objects associated with a post and extract the category name from it.
This function can work outside of The Loop. Just put post ID as the parameter.
It takes post id as a parameter. But it is optional you can omit the post id parameter.
By default, it takes the current post ID.
Code example:
Use following code to retrieve category name by post ID:
$post_id = get_the_ID(); // Get the current post ID
$categories = get_the_category($post_id);
if (!empty($categories)) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$category_name = $category->name;
echo $category_name .'<br />';
Without explicit $post_id parameter, by default, It retrieve post id. Output will be same.
$categories = get_the_category();
if (!empty($categories)) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$category_name = $category->name;
echo $category_name .'<br />';
Code explanation:
First we get post id using get_the_ID() function.
Then store the post id value in the variable $post_id.
You can use the parameter $post_id or omit it, it works properly.
After that, we use the get_the_category() function, which stores data about all categories in variable $categories.
foreach loop retrieves name of all categories with the code:
$category_name = $category->name;
Function echo displays all names one by one.
For more documentation about get_the_category() visit WordPress developer resources.
Why do we need to get the Category name by post ID in WordPress?
In certain situations, it is advantageous to obtain the category name using post ID.
Displaying Content According to Categories
By retrieving the category name through post ID, you can conditionally display posts with distinct content styles or layouts based on their categories on your website. Creating different post designs based on different categories is something this is particularly useful for.
Using Category Name To Content Filtering
Filtering or organizing content based on the category names of posts may be necessary for certain pages or sections of your website. It is crucial to retrieve the category name using post ID to implement filters and ensure that content is categorized and presented appropriately.
Custom Post Templates and Display Category:
To customize posts according to category and to dynamically display the category name as part of the post layout. This enables you to present information about the post’s category with more customization.
Menu Customization According to Category
Sometimes we have to customize the navigation menu according to the needs of the user. It is also possible to change navigation according to fetched category type. In such cases obtaining the category name by post ID is crucial.
The ability to dynamically populate menu items with the correct category names can result in a more dynamic and organized navigation structure.
Web Page Section Filtering According to Categories
For certain categories, you might want to filter or organize sections of your website. It is crucial to retrieve the category name using post ID to implement filters and ensure that sections are added or removed and presented appropriately.
Using Category Name for SEO
Better SEO can be achieved by including category names in meta titles, descriptions, or even within the content of a post. By using a post ID to access the category name, you can dynamically incorporate this information, which will improve content for search engines.
Other Operations
In order to perform certain operations in plugins or themes that display information or allow dynamic functionality, we require a category of posts. Using the post ID, it is possible to retrieve the category name.
To get category name by post ID in WordPress is a required task for display and performing some operations for implementing dynamic modification.
In this article, we explain the need to retrieve Category names by post ID in WordPress and
how to get category name by ID post in WordPress.
We hope this article helps you.