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How to Change Logo in WordPress: 5 Easy Steps

Published by on October 9, 2023

This article provides easy steps to change logo in WordPress.

Websites require logos to be effective. Your website’s color and design should match your logo, that has a unique feel and look according to your niche and brand. Changing the logo can be necessary when the old one doesn’t fit your band or WordPress niche.

It’s easy to change your WordPress logo in few steps. We will explain a simple methods for changing your WordPress logo.

The Significance of The Logo in WordPress Website.

A website logo plays an important role in the visual presence of your brand. Using a logo that is aligned with your brand identity and is attractive is crucial, as it can enhance your online presence.

What are the purposes a log serves for you?

To stand out from the crowd in today’s competition, it’s crucial to have a unique logo.
It makes a positive impression on the visitor by grabbing their attention.

Logos also help your business to provide professionalism. A good logo establishes trust in visitors’ minds.

Using a logo on all of your platforms can demonstrate your consistency and dedication.

Your brand signature is easily recognized by customers when they see your logo in media platforms. It creates a impression on customers’ minds, which aids in building trust and credibility. Your band is remembered by them when they see your brand logo and recognize it.
Your brand is instantly understood by a second-time visitors when they see your band logo.

How to Change Logo in WordPress

WordPress installs without a logo by default, so we must add one after installation. We have the option to modify the logo later. In this tutorial, we will replace the logo.

The procedure for uploading a new logo or changing the old one is the same.

Follow the steps below to upload WordPress logo:

1. In the dashboard’s left side pane search for Appearance in list of options.

2. In Appearance select sub-menu Customize

How to Change Logo in WordPress

Although there may be some differences in appearance, the options will be almost identical.

3. Click the Site Identity option in the left pan.

How to Change Logo in WordPress

4. Next screen is for site identity, you can add the logo in WordPress, website title, and website tagline and site icon.

How to Change Logo in WordPress

5. To upload the blog logo, click on Change Logo. Once you click, It will open the media library , now you can upload your WordPress logo.

Size And File Format of Logo

Logo Size:

The size of the logo depends on the theme and the design.
The general size guideline for a WordPress logo is 250px x 100px (width x height), and it is suitable for most WordPress themes.

To determine the size of the logo, upload it and watch it in the inspection window.
You can adjust the logo width; it will automatically change the logo height to preserve the aspect ratio.

You can also change the size of the logo from Logo Size as displayed in the picture.

Logo File Format:

Portable Network Graphic (PNG) is a good choice for a WordPress logo. PNG supports transparency in logos; we need it to merge logos with website design.

Other Modification

You can also do some other modifications, if it is first time or you want to change.

Site Title:

The name of your site is called its site title. A site title maybe your business or brand name, your own name, or your blog name.
It appears in the header near the logo of your website on all pages.

You can change the title or name. from the Site Tile button as shown in the picture.


A website tagline is used to represent the site’s purpose and intentions in a few words. Public relations is the primary focus of the tagline. It could be a part of the logo or appear separately. Tagline line word lengths ranging from 8 to 12 are acceptable.

You can fill in the tagline of your website as shown in the picture.

Site Icon:

A site icon or favicon is a unique small image that appears on website browser tabs, bookmarks, and other places. It brings a uniqueness to your website’s browser tab and bookmarks.

Click on Site Icon to upload the icon of your WordPress website.

As shown in the picture below, you can fill in the information.

Finally, don’t forget to click the Publish button, all changes will lost.


A well-designed and well-placed WordPress logo can make an impression on visitors. It is a good idea to create an appealing website design by using an attractive logo on your WordPress website for online success.

In this article, you have learned how to upload a logo to WordPress and guidelines for logos. We hope this article will help you.

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Gurjit Singh is a Content Writer and Web developer. He has experience in theme development, front-end development, and digital market. He loves to share his knowledge to help others in creating Websites, WordPress blogs, and SEO.